Saturday, 12 February 2011

Update and thank you

First and foremost I would like to thank Erik Loots for publishing an interview with me on his blog - His is a great website, full of resources to help windsurfers of all levels. There are a lot of great articles. From this I have had at least double my daily visitors to my site, one of which has also published me on his site - I have not had the time to fully read Adrian Kezele's site but on a first glance it looks very professional and informative. Thank you to both for helping me reach a wider audience. I must say another thank you to all the people who have sponsored the cause, even my family is now getting involved.

As a quick update, last Sunday I barely woke up, I felt worn out and a horrible cold was clearly starting which meant no time on the water and no miles clocked up. Monday and Tuesday were the same, Wednesday I felt a little better but than the end of the week I was worse again. I have lost 3 or 4kg and currently look like death warmed up. I was so frustrated as there was a fair bit of wind this week, and I had time off work which I was trying so hard not to do after having so much time off last year due to illness.

The wind is looking promising for the coming few weeks, there are a lot of storms out in the Atlantic sending swell this way. Currently though there seems to be a chance of a high pressure system blocking any of the winds, hopefully the winds will win!

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