Thursday, 1 September 2011

Mandurah Mob August Update by Decrepit (Aus)

It's been Mandurah Mob's best month this year, put us in equal 2nd with SRM for Australia and 10th Internationally.
The availability of our better sailors, coinciding with some wind made the difference.

Several of our guys work "fly in fly out", means they are away for a week or two, then are here for a week or so, this month Crasher was back in time for some action at "Cheese Graters". Bender joined with him to clock some good numbers for our 2s, 5x10 and alpha.
Evets has moved 400km south to Albany so his posts don't often coincide with the rest of us. Fortunately on the 20th he was back up here, Evets borrowed some gear off me and together we managed to get our distance figures up in fairly light gusty conditions. Man of Steel was also with us, and combined with Bender to improve our hour somewhat.

A bit by Lea
Thanks for this Decrepit. This whole idea is now moving faster than I could have imagined or dreamed of.  Any other team captains that want me to put a post in please email me - and I will put them up. I am now starting to see how to develop it to a more functional website fit for this purpose.

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